Prayer That Makes A Difference || Praying With Authority Praying in Authority Authority – the power to determine or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control,...
Prayer That Makes A Difference || Warfare Prayer There is a truth that we are in a war that has been waged since Adam and Eve Battles are lost before they are fought Not because most of us...
Prayer That Makes A Difference || The Compounding Effect Delayed gratification This struggle is present in every aspect of our lives Money Dating Diet With Kids Delayed gratification...
Prayer That Makes A Difference || What Is Prayer? What Prayer is: Prayer is the conscious, personal communication with God our creator Big Question: Has your prayer life improved over the...
Junk Food And Junk Thoughts Even though we know what is actually good and healthy, we still would choose the chips Choose the junk food Nobody goes to the movies and...
Jonah 4 || Toxic Expectations Think about the small and large events and relationships in your life Marriage, career, education, your car, your home, parties, and...
Rediscovering Your Purpose Jonah called to go to Nineveh – refused Then he was swallowed by a great fish When we don’t walk in God’s commands there is...
Jonah Part 2 || Attitude Adjustment Just like earthly parents our heavenly Father doesn’t like a bad attitude. – Review -Called by God to go to Ninevah – refused...
Jonah || Comfort Calling When we hear Jonah and the… (Whale) Use to love this story as a kid Seems so awesome that He lived What was he doing for three days...