Replace The Roof Campaign
In 2008, God blessed Cornerstone with our current campus at 1481 Chestnut St. Built by Winn Dixie in the '90s; it served Orangeburg as a grocery store before being closed and sitting empty for several years. God miraculously provided a way for Cornerstone to acquire and up-fit the building; and the rest is history. Over the last 15 years, we have seen the following:
- 1,500+ Salvations
- 1,200+ Baptisms
- Countless incredible memories
- Many powerful messages about Jesus
- And so much more
We know that God has so much more in store for our church, and keeping our building up to the task is essential to this ministry. After consulting experts and fixing many leaks, Cornerstone's Senior Leadership Team has decided it is now time to replace the current roof.
Here are the details:
The roof is manufactured out of a rubber membrane that is approximately 35 years old. After years of sun exposure, the membrane has begun to disintegrate, allowing water in at an alarming rate. Due to water exposure, we have areas with stained carpets and some ruined electronics.
We have contracted with a commercial roofing company specializing in roofing structures like ours. They will replace the existing membrane with a new one that will help protect from water damage and save energy due to its color and material.
The cost of the labor and material is $240,000. Your generous gift will help us continue the mission of Cornerstone Church, CONNECT the disconnected, CARE for all we're sent, and CULTIVATE all we have.
Click the link below to give.